
How to Craft High-Converting Service Pages for Your Agency

Written by

Hamza Ehsan

7 min read

Your service pages are more than just a list of offerings—they’re a critical tool for turning website visitors into clients. A well-crafted service page clearly communicates the value your agency provides and why you’re the best choice to solve your client’s challenges. Without the right elements in place, visitors may leave without taking action.

In this post, we’ll explore how to create high-converting service pages that not only grab attention but also drive real results for your digital marketing agency.

Your service pages are more than just a list of offerings—they’re a critical tool for turning website visitors into clients. A well-crafted service page clearly communicates the value your agency provides and why you’re the best choice to solve your client’s challenges. Without the right elements in place, visitors may leave without taking action.

In this post, we’ll explore how to create high-converting service pages that not only grab attention but also drive real results for your digital marketing agency.

Your service pages are more than just a list of offerings—they’re a critical tool for turning website visitors into clients. A well-crafted service page clearly communicates the value your agency provides and why you’re the best choice to solve your client’s challenges. Without the right elements in place, visitors may leave without taking action.

In this post, we’ll explore how to create high-converting service pages that not only grab attention but also drive real results for your digital marketing agency.

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Understand Your Target Audience

Before you start crafting a high-converting service page, you need to get clear on who you’re speaking to. Understanding your target audience is crucial because your page should address their specific pain points, needs, and goals. When potential clients land on your service page, they want to know: “Can this agency solve my problem?”

Identify Your Ideal Client’s Needs

Think about your ideal client—the type of business that benefits the most from your services. What are their biggest challenges? What keeps them up at night? For example, if you’re a digital marketing agency that serves small businesses, your clients might struggle with lead generation, website traffic, or managing multiple marketing channels. The more specific you can be, the better.

Tailoring your service page messaging around those pain points helps build an instant connection with the reader. They should feel like you understand their struggles and have the right solutions. Use language that resonates with your audience, and avoid industry jargon that might confuse them. Focus on clarity and relevance.

Align Your Services with Solutions

Once you’ve identified their needs, it’s time to align your services with clear, actionable solutions. Each service should be framed as a direct answer to a problem your ideal client faces. For instance, if you offer social media management services, instead of simply listing “Social Media Management” on your page, you could reframe it as “Increase engagement and grow your online presence with expert social media management.”

When a potential client sees how your services align with their goals, they’re much more likely to trust that you can deliver the results they’re looking for.

Example: Crafting Messaging Around Client Needs

Let’s say your agency provides SEO services for eCommerce businesses. Your clients may be struggling with low search rankings, slow traffic, or a lack of visibility in competitive markets. Instead of a generic description like “We offer SEO services,” you could say, “Boost your eCommerce store’s visibility and outrank competitors with our tailored SEO strategies designed for online businesses.”

This type of messaging makes it crystal clear that you understand your client’s specific industry challenges and have a targeted solution ready to help them achieve success.

By fully understanding your audience and framing your services as solutions to their most pressing problems, you’ll be one step closer to creating a service page that converts visitors into clients.

Clear and Compelling Headlines

Your headline is the first thing visitors see when they land on your service page, and it plays a critical role in grabbing their attention. A strong headline communicates the value of your services immediately and sets the tone for the rest of the page. Without an engaging headline, you risk losing potential leads before they even begin exploring your services.

Why Your Service Page Headline Matters

Your headline is more than just a title – it’s a hook that should entice visitors to keep reading. Think of it as your chance to make a strong first impression. In just a few words, you need to clearly convey what your service is and how it benefits the reader. The best headlines quickly answer the question: “What’s in it for me?”

When crafting your headline, avoid generic phrases like “Our Services” or “What We Offer.” These types of headlines don’t provide any value or insight into what makes your agency unique. Instead, focus on creating a headline that highlights the solution or outcome you’re providing to potential clients.

Tips for Writing Effective Headlines

To craft a compelling headline, you need to strike the right balance between clarity and engagement. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Keep it concise: Your headline should be short and to the point, ideally no more than 10-12 words. Avoid unnecessary filler words and get straight to the value.

Highlight the benefit: Instead of simply stating what you do, focus on how your service will benefit the client. For example, rather than saying “Website Design Services,” you could say “Create a Stunning Website That Converts Visitors into Clients.”

Use active language: Strong, action-oriented verbs create a sense of urgency and encourage visitors to take the next step. Words like “grow,” “boost,” “transform,” and “increase” are all great choices for service page headlines.

Examples of Effective Headlines

“Grow Your Business with Targeted Digital Marketing Strategies”: This headline clearly communicates the outcome (business growth) and the solution (targeted marketing strategies).

“Boost Your Online Presence with Expert SEO Services”: Here, the headline highlights both the service (SEO) and the benefit (boosted online presence).

“Get More Leads and Sales with Custom Web Design”: This headline combines the service (web design) with the direct benefit (more leads and sales), making it highly appealing to potential clients.

A clear and compelling headline is essential to keeping visitors engaged and guiding them further into your service page. When done right, your headline will not only capture attention but also convey the unique value you offer, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Focus on Benefits, Not Just Features

One common mistake when crafting service pages is focusing too heavily on features rather than benefits. While features are important, potential clients care more about how those features translate into tangible results for their business. Your service page should show the clear value your services provide by emphasizing benefits over technical details.

The Difference Between Features and Benefits

Features are the specific elements or aspects of a service. For example, if you offer social media management, a feature might be “daily content scheduling” or “monthly performance reports.” While these features describe what you provide, they don’t communicate why they’re valuable to the client.

Benefits, on the other hand, focus on the positive outcomes your client will experience by using your service. In the social media management example, a benefit might be “consistent content that increases engagement and grows your audience” or “data-driven insights that help you refine your strategy and boost results.”

To create high-converting service pages, your messaging should prioritize benefits over features. This helps potential clients see how your services solve their problems or meet their goals.

How to Highlight Benefits on Your Service Pages

To make your benefits stand out, start by asking yourself these questions for each service you offer:

• What problem does this service solve for my client?

• How does this service make their life or business better?

• What outcome will they achieve by using this service?

Once you’ve identified the key benefits, integrate them throughout your service page copy. For example, instead of saying “We provide custom website design,” you could say “We design custom websites that turn visitors into clients, helping your business grow.”

Example of Reframing a Service Description

Let’s say you offer pay-per-click (PPC) advertising services. A feature-focused description might look like this:

• “We create targeted PPC campaigns across Google Ads, Facebook, and Instagram.”

While this tells the visitor what you do, it doesn’t explain how it benefits them. Here’s how you could reframe it to highlight the benefits:

• “Our targeted PPC campaigns help you reach the right audience, driving more qualified leads and increasing your ROI.”

By focusing on benefits, you’re showing potential clients the value they’ll gain from your services, which makes them more likely to convert.

Crafting service pages that highlight benefits helps clients envision the impact your services will have on their business, making it easier for them to take the next step.

Use Social Proof to Build Trust

Trust is a critical factor when converting visitors into clients. Potential clients want to know that your agency can deliver on its promises, and one of the best ways to build that trust is through social proof. By showcasing your successes and positive client experiences, you give visitors the confidence they need to take the next step.

Why Social Proof Matters

Social proof, such as testimonials, case studies, and client logos, provides third-party validation of your services. It shows potential clients that other businesses have benefited from your expertise, making them more likely to believe that you can help them too. In fact, studies show that people are more likely to trust recommendations from others than claims made by a company itself.

Including social proof on your service pages reduces the perceived risk for potential clients. They can see tangible results from other clients, which helps them feel more comfortable about choosing your agency.

Types of Social Proof to Include

There are several types of social proof you can use on your service pages. The most common include:

Testimonials: Client quotes that highlight their positive experience with your services. Keep them specific and relevant to the service being showcased.

Case Studies: In-depth examples of how your agency solved a specific client’s problem, including measurable results. Case studies allow potential clients to see the process and the outcome.

Client Logos: A visual representation of the brands or companies you’ve worked with. These logos provide instant credibility, especially if you’ve worked with well-known brands.

How to Display Social Proof Effectively

To maximize the impact of social proof, it’s important to display it strategically throughout your service pages. Here are a few best practices:

• Place a testimonial or client logo near your call-to-action (CTA) to reinforce trust at the moment the visitor is deciding whether to take action.

• Use case studies as standalone sections or link to them from your service pages for more detailed examples.

• Make sure your social proof is current and relevant. Outdated testimonials or case studies may not resonate with today’s clients.

Social proof is a powerful tool in building trust and reducing the friction that potential clients feel before committing to your services. When visitors see that others have had a positive experience with your agency, they’re much more likely to take the next step and reach out.


Crafting high-converting service pages is essential to turning website visitors into paying clients. By understanding your target audience, creating clear and compelling headlines, focusing on benefits over features, and leveraging social proof, you can significantly increase the likelihood of conversions.

Remember, your service page is more than just a description of what you offer—it’s an opportunity to show potential clients why your agency is the best solution to their problems.

By implementing these strategies and continuously optimizing your pages, you’ll create a stronger foundation for growth and success.

Understand Your Target Audience

Before you start crafting a high-converting service page, you need to get clear on who you’re speaking to. Understanding your target audience is crucial because your page should address their specific pain points, needs, and goals. When potential clients land on your service page, they want to know: “Can this agency solve my problem?”

Identify Your Ideal Client’s Needs

Think about your ideal client—the type of business that benefits the most from your services. What are their biggest challenges? What keeps them up at night? For example, if you’re a digital marketing agency that serves small businesses, your clients might struggle with lead generation, website traffic, or managing multiple marketing channels. The more specific you can be, the better.

Tailoring your service page messaging around those pain points helps build an instant connection with the reader. They should feel like you understand their struggles and have the right solutions. Use language that resonates with your audience, and avoid industry jargon that might confuse them. Focus on clarity and relevance.

Align Your Services with Solutions

Once you’ve identified their needs, it’s time to align your services with clear, actionable solutions. Each service should be framed as a direct answer to a problem your ideal client faces. For instance, if you offer social media management services, instead of simply listing “Social Media Management” on your page, you could reframe it as “Increase engagement and grow your online presence with expert social media management.”

When a potential client sees how your services align with their goals, they’re much more likely to trust that you can deliver the results they’re looking for.

Example: Crafting Messaging Around Client Needs

Let’s say your agency provides SEO services for eCommerce businesses. Your clients may be struggling with low search rankings, slow traffic, or a lack of visibility in competitive markets. Instead of a generic description like “We offer SEO services,” you could say, “Boost your eCommerce store’s visibility and outrank competitors with our tailored SEO strategies designed for online businesses.”

This type of messaging makes it crystal clear that you understand your client’s specific industry challenges and have a targeted solution ready to help them achieve success.

By fully understanding your audience and framing your services as solutions to their most pressing problems, you’ll be one step closer to creating a service page that converts visitors into clients.

Clear and Compelling Headlines

Your headline is the first thing visitors see when they land on your service page, and it plays a critical role in grabbing their attention. A strong headline communicates the value of your services immediately and sets the tone for the rest of the page. Without an engaging headline, you risk losing potential leads before they even begin exploring your services.

Why Your Service Page Headline Matters

Your headline is more than just a title – it’s a hook that should entice visitors to keep reading. Think of it as your chance to make a strong first impression. In just a few words, you need to clearly convey what your service is and how it benefits the reader. The best headlines quickly answer the question: “What’s in it for me?”

When crafting your headline, avoid generic phrases like “Our Services” or “What We Offer.” These types of headlines don’t provide any value or insight into what makes your agency unique. Instead, focus on creating a headline that highlights the solution or outcome you’re providing to potential clients.

Tips for Writing Effective Headlines

To craft a compelling headline, you need to strike the right balance between clarity and engagement. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Keep it concise: Your headline should be short and to the point, ideally no more than 10-12 words. Avoid unnecessary filler words and get straight to the value.

Highlight the benefit: Instead of simply stating what you do, focus on how your service will benefit the client. For example, rather than saying “Website Design Services,” you could say “Create a Stunning Website That Converts Visitors into Clients.”

Use active language: Strong, action-oriented verbs create a sense of urgency and encourage visitors to take the next step. Words like “grow,” “boost,” “transform,” and “increase” are all great choices for service page headlines.

Examples of Effective Headlines

“Grow Your Business with Targeted Digital Marketing Strategies”: This headline clearly communicates the outcome (business growth) and the solution (targeted marketing strategies).

“Boost Your Online Presence with Expert SEO Services”: Here, the headline highlights both the service (SEO) and the benefit (boosted online presence).

“Get More Leads and Sales with Custom Web Design”: This headline combines the service (web design) with the direct benefit (more leads and sales), making it highly appealing to potential clients.

A clear and compelling headline is essential to keeping visitors engaged and guiding them further into your service page. When done right, your headline will not only capture attention but also convey the unique value you offer, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Focus on Benefits, Not Just Features

One common mistake when crafting service pages is focusing too heavily on features rather than benefits. While features are important, potential clients care more about how those features translate into tangible results for their business. Your service page should show the clear value your services provide by emphasizing benefits over technical details.

The Difference Between Features and Benefits

Features are the specific elements or aspects of a service. For example, if you offer social media management, a feature might be “daily content scheduling” or “monthly performance reports.” While these features describe what you provide, they don’t communicate why they’re valuable to the client.

Benefits, on the other hand, focus on the positive outcomes your client will experience by using your service. In the social media management example, a benefit might be “consistent content that increases engagement and grows your audience” or “data-driven insights that help you refine your strategy and boost results.”

To create high-converting service pages, your messaging should prioritize benefits over features. This helps potential clients see how your services solve their problems or meet their goals.

How to Highlight Benefits on Your Service Pages

To make your benefits stand out, start by asking yourself these questions for each service you offer:

• What problem does this service solve for my client?

• How does this service make their life or business better?

• What outcome will they achieve by using this service?

Once you’ve identified the key benefits, integrate them throughout your service page copy. For example, instead of saying “We provide custom website design,” you could say “We design custom websites that turn visitors into clients, helping your business grow.”

Example of Reframing a Service Description

Let’s say you offer pay-per-click (PPC) advertising services. A feature-focused description might look like this:

• “We create targeted PPC campaigns across Google Ads, Facebook, and Instagram.”

While this tells the visitor what you do, it doesn’t explain how it benefits them. Here’s how you could reframe it to highlight the benefits:

• “Our targeted PPC campaigns help you reach the right audience, driving more qualified leads and increasing your ROI.”

By focusing on benefits, you’re showing potential clients the value they’ll gain from your services, which makes them more likely to convert.

Crafting service pages that highlight benefits helps clients envision the impact your services will have on their business, making it easier for them to take the next step.

Use Social Proof to Build Trust

Trust is a critical factor when converting visitors into clients. Potential clients want to know that your agency can deliver on its promises, and one of the best ways to build that trust is through social proof. By showcasing your successes and positive client experiences, you give visitors the confidence they need to take the next step.

Why Social Proof Matters

Social proof, such as testimonials, case studies, and client logos, provides third-party validation of your services. It shows potential clients that other businesses have benefited from your expertise, making them more likely to believe that you can help them too. In fact, studies show that people are more likely to trust recommendations from others than claims made by a company itself.

Including social proof on your service pages reduces the perceived risk for potential clients. They can see tangible results from other clients, which helps them feel more comfortable about choosing your agency.

Types of Social Proof to Include

There are several types of social proof you can use on your service pages. The most common include:

Testimonials: Client quotes that highlight their positive experience with your services. Keep them specific and relevant to the service being showcased.

Case Studies: In-depth examples of how your agency solved a specific client’s problem, including measurable results. Case studies allow potential clients to see the process and the outcome.

Client Logos: A visual representation of the brands or companies you’ve worked with. These logos provide instant credibility, especially if you’ve worked with well-known brands.

How to Display Social Proof Effectively

To maximize the impact of social proof, it’s important to display it strategically throughout your service pages. Here are a few best practices:

• Place a testimonial or client logo near your call-to-action (CTA) to reinforce trust at the moment the visitor is deciding whether to take action.

• Use case studies as standalone sections or link to them from your service pages for more detailed examples.

• Make sure your social proof is current and relevant. Outdated testimonials or case studies may not resonate with today’s clients.

Social proof is a powerful tool in building trust and reducing the friction that potential clients feel before committing to your services. When visitors see that others have had a positive experience with your agency, they’re much more likely to take the next step and reach out.


Crafting high-converting service pages is essential to turning website visitors into paying clients. By understanding your target audience, creating clear and compelling headlines, focusing on benefits over features, and leveraging social proof, you can significantly increase the likelihood of conversions.

Remember, your service page is more than just a description of what you offer—it’s an opportunity to show potential clients why your agency is the best solution to their problems.

By implementing these strategies and continuously optimizing your pages, you’ll create a stronger foundation for growth and success.

Understand Your Target Audience

Before you start crafting a high-converting service page, you need to get clear on who you’re speaking to. Understanding your target audience is crucial because your page should address their specific pain points, needs, and goals. When potential clients land on your service page, they want to know: “Can this agency solve my problem?”

Identify Your Ideal Client’s Needs

Think about your ideal client—the type of business that benefits the most from your services. What are their biggest challenges? What keeps them up at night? For example, if you’re a digital marketing agency that serves small businesses, your clients might struggle with lead generation, website traffic, or managing multiple marketing channels. The more specific you can be, the better.

Tailoring your service page messaging around those pain points helps build an instant connection with the reader. They should feel like you understand their struggles and have the right solutions. Use language that resonates with your audience, and avoid industry jargon that might confuse them. Focus on clarity and relevance.

Align Your Services with Solutions

Once you’ve identified their needs, it’s time to align your services with clear, actionable solutions. Each service should be framed as a direct answer to a problem your ideal client faces. For instance, if you offer social media management services, instead of simply listing “Social Media Management” on your page, you could reframe it as “Increase engagement and grow your online presence with expert social media management.”

When a potential client sees how your services align with their goals, they’re much more likely to trust that you can deliver the results they’re looking for.

Example: Crafting Messaging Around Client Needs

Let’s say your agency provides SEO services for eCommerce businesses. Your clients may be struggling with low search rankings, slow traffic, or a lack of visibility in competitive markets. Instead of a generic description like “We offer SEO services,” you could say, “Boost your eCommerce store’s visibility and outrank competitors with our tailored SEO strategies designed for online businesses.”

This type of messaging makes it crystal clear that you understand your client’s specific industry challenges and have a targeted solution ready to help them achieve success.

By fully understanding your audience and framing your services as solutions to their most pressing problems, you’ll be one step closer to creating a service page that converts visitors into clients.

Clear and Compelling Headlines

Your headline is the first thing visitors see when they land on your service page, and it plays a critical role in grabbing their attention. A strong headline communicates the value of your services immediately and sets the tone for the rest of the page. Without an engaging headline, you risk losing potential leads before they even begin exploring your services.

Why Your Service Page Headline Matters

Your headline is more than just a title – it’s a hook that should entice visitors to keep reading. Think of it as your chance to make a strong first impression. In just a few words, you need to clearly convey what your service is and how it benefits the reader. The best headlines quickly answer the question: “What’s in it for me?”

When crafting your headline, avoid generic phrases like “Our Services” or “What We Offer.” These types of headlines don’t provide any value or insight into what makes your agency unique. Instead, focus on creating a headline that highlights the solution or outcome you’re providing to potential clients.

Tips for Writing Effective Headlines

To craft a compelling headline, you need to strike the right balance between clarity and engagement. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Keep it concise: Your headline should be short and to the point, ideally no more than 10-12 words. Avoid unnecessary filler words and get straight to the value.

Highlight the benefit: Instead of simply stating what you do, focus on how your service will benefit the client. For example, rather than saying “Website Design Services,” you could say “Create a Stunning Website That Converts Visitors into Clients.”

Use active language: Strong, action-oriented verbs create a sense of urgency and encourage visitors to take the next step. Words like “grow,” “boost,” “transform,” and “increase” are all great choices for service page headlines.

Examples of Effective Headlines

“Grow Your Business with Targeted Digital Marketing Strategies”: This headline clearly communicates the outcome (business growth) and the solution (targeted marketing strategies).

“Boost Your Online Presence with Expert SEO Services”: Here, the headline highlights both the service (SEO) and the benefit (boosted online presence).

“Get More Leads and Sales with Custom Web Design”: This headline combines the service (web design) with the direct benefit (more leads and sales), making it highly appealing to potential clients.

A clear and compelling headline is essential to keeping visitors engaged and guiding them further into your service page. When done right, your headline will not only capture attention but also convey the unique value you offer, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Focus on Benefits, Not Just Features

One common mistake when crafting service pages is focusing too heavily on features rather than benefits. While features are important, potential clients care more about how those features translate into tangible results for their business. Your service page should show the clear value your services provide by emphasizing benefits over technical details.

The Difference Between Features and Benefits

Features are the specific elements or aspects of a service. For example, if you offer social media management, a feature might be “daily content scheduling” or “monthly performance reports.” While these features describe what you provide, they don’t communicate why they’re valuable to the client.

Benefits, on the other hand, focus on the positive outcomes your client will experience by using your service. In the social media management example, a benefit might be “consistent content that increases engagement and grows your audience” or “data-driven insights that help you refine your strategy and boost results.”

To create high-converting service pages, your messaging should prioritize benefits over features. This helps potential clients see how your services solve their problems or meet their goals.

How to Highlight Benefits on Your Service Pages

To make your benefits stand out, start by asking yourself these questions for each service you offer:

• What problem does this service solve for my client?

• How does this service make their life or business better?

• What outcome will they achieve by using this service?

Once you’ve identified the key benefits, integrate them throughout your service page copy. For example, instead of saying “We provide custom website design,” you could say “We design custom websites that turn visitors into clients, helping your business grow.”

Example of Reframing a Service Description

Let’s say you offer pay-per-click (PPC) advertising services. A feature-focused description might look like this:

• “We create targeted PPC campaigns across Google Ads, Facebook, and Instagram.”

While this tells the visitor what you do, it doesn’t explain how it benefits them. Here’s how you could reframe it to highlight the benefits:

• “Our targeted PPC campaigns help you reach the right audience, driving more qualified leads and increasing your ROI.”

By focusing on benefits, you’re showing potential clients the value they’ll gain from your services, which makes them more likely to convert.

Crafting service pages that highlight benefits helps clients envision the impact your services will have on their business, making it easier for them to take the next step.

Use Social Proof to Build Trust

Trust is a critical factor when converting visitors into clients. Potential clients want to know that your agency can deliver on its promises, and one of the best ways to build that trust is through social proof. By showcasing your successes and positive client experiences, you give visitors the confidence they need to take the next step.

Why Social Proof Matters

Social proof, such as testimonials, case studies, and client logos, provides third-party validation of your services. It shows potential clients that other businesses have benefited from your expertise, making them more likely to believe that you can help them too. In fact, studies show that people are more likely to trust recommendations from others than claims made by a company itself.

Including social proof on your service pages reduces the perceived risk for potential clients. They can see tangible results from other clients, which helps them feel more comfortable about choosing your agency.

Types of Social Proof to Include

There are several types of social proof you can use on your service pages. The most common include:

Testimonials: Client quotes that highlight their positive experience with your services. Keep them specific and relevant to the service being showcased.

Case Studies: In-depth examples of how your agency solved a specific client’s problem, including measurable results. Case studies allow potential clients to see the process and the outcome.

Client Logos: A visual representation of the brands or companies you’ve worked with. These logos provide instant credibility, especially if you’ve worked with well-known brands.

How to Display Social Proof Effectively

To maximize the impact of social proof, it’s important to display it strategically throughout your service pages. Here are a few best practices:

• Place a testimonial or client logo near your call-to-action (CTA) to reinforce trust at the moment the visitor is deciding whether to take action.

• Use case studies as standalone sections or link to them from your service pages for more detailed examples.

• Make sure your social proof is current and relevant. Outdated testimonials or case studies may not resonate with today’s clients.

Social proof is a powerful tool in building trust and reducing the friction that potential clients feel before committing to your services. When visitors see that others have had a positive experience with your agency, they’re much more likely to take the next step and reach out.


Crafting high-converting service pages is essential to turning website visitors into paying clients. By understanding your target audience, creating clear and compelling headlines, focusing on benefits over features, and leveraging social proof, you can significantly increase the likelihood of conversions.

Remember, your service page is more than just a description of what you offer—it’s an opportunity to show potential clients why your agency is the best solution to their problems.

By implementing these strategies and continuously optimizing your pages, you’ll create a stronger foundation for growth and success.


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Created by Hamza Ehsan

Proudly Built In Framer

Created by Hamza Ehsan

Proudly Built In Framer

Created by Hamza Ehsan